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Ep. 57 - Lil Nas X & What's Hell Through an Africana Lens?
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Ep. 58 - "Exterminate All
The Brutes!"
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Ep. 59 - The TRUTH about "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier"
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Ep. 60 - Is America a
Racist Country?
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Ep. 61 - Is "Critical Race Theory"
an Actual Thing?
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Ep. 62 - Who Was
Malcolm X to Us?
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Ep. 63 - Souls of Black
Folk Remix
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Ep. 64 - Connecting Memorial
Day and Black Wall Street
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Ep. 65 - Breonna Taylor
and Trauma Porn
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Ep. 66 - Critical Race Theory
and the Cold Civil War 
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Ep. 67 - Juneteenth is a Holiday?
Now What?
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Ep. 68 - "Do You Want
to Be Well?"
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Ep. 69 - On Cosby
and Freedom!
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Ep. 70 - "Lovecraft Country" and a Tribute to Mary McLeod Bethune!
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Ep. 71 - Why Does America Still Sanction Cuba?
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Ep. 72 - Van Jones and the $100 Million Question (and the Olympics)
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Ep. 73 - Using the Olympics to Break Down the Social Structure
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Ep. 74 - We Remember "Black August" and George Jackson
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Ep. 75 - The Earthquake in Haiti and Charles Loeb
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Ep. 76 -Black August, CL Franklin and Nat Turner
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Ep. 77 - The Blood That Runs From Nat Turner to Emmett Till!
Episode 78
Coming Soon...
Ep. 78 - Labor Day, the Texas Assault on Democracy and Colorism
Episode 80
Coming Soon...
Ep. 79 - Labor Day, the Texas Assault on Democracy and Colorism
Ep. 80- The Booker T. Washington Paradox (and Nicki Minaj)
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Ep. 81 -Haiti, Sankofa and a Tribute to Melvin Van Peebles
Episode 78
Coming Soon...
Ep. 82 - The Super Bowl Line-Up and the Take Down of Carlos Watson
Episode 80
Coming Soon...
Ep. 83 -Fannie Lou Hamer and Barbados
Episode 84
Coming Soon...
Ep. 84 -HBCUs and #BlackburnTakeover